Friday, October 23, 2015

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are currently working on learning the objects of the School. The students are required to learn the vocabulary words and recall the right articles that precede every word as we have masculine singular articles (un, le) and feminine singular articles (une, la). Please find the list of words for every grade:

- 2nd Grade:  une école, un crayon, une gomme, un cahier, un livre, un bâton de colle, des crayons de couleur

- 3rd Grade: une école, un crayon, une gomme, un cahier, un livre, un bâton de colle, des crayons de couleur, un papier

- 4th-5th Grade: une école, un crayon, une gomme, un cahier, un livre, un bâton de colle, des crayons de couleur, un papier, un cartable

 Greeting the visitor

Bonjour, je m’appelle……….

Bienvenue en classe de Français.  “Welcome to French class”.

Asseyez-vous s’il vous plait (Pointing to the chair and inviting the guest to sit)

Et chez vous! …. And at Home!

Even if you don’t know a word of French, you can still support your child’s learning in many ways. Have the child review their notebook daily (5-10 minutes) and repeat the words several times while you are listening. Repetitions lead to mastery and or google/translate are helpful with pronunciation.

Have fun with the learning and always remind your children to sit tall and straight during instruction time, participate often and do their best at all times.
Mille mercis.

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